Entries by Cris

Market Small Events as Micro-Experiences

While hybrid events provide much-needed flexibility in an uncertain world, they’ve also created a new challenge for event planners and organizers. Now that attendees have the option of enjoying events from the comfort of their homes, planners must work even harder to make in-person events attractive. The cost of travel, changing COVID restrictions, and the […]

Unconventional Spaces To Make For Memorable Event Venues

While many attendees are thrilled to be heading out to in-person events again, before you know it, they’ll also be sick to death of the same-old stuff. Conventional venues are still appropriate for certain types of events, but if you don’t want to bore your guests, thinking outside the box is the name of the […]

Delight Your Audience With a Multi-Sensory Event

As a tike, did you own a book that had (in addition to brightly colored images) little patches of wool-like fabric incorporated into the animal images, images that you could scratch and sniff, and buttons that made squeak or chime sounds when pressed?  If so, the author/publisher of that book was on to something.  They […]

5 Ways to Make a Good First Impression Through Seamless On-Site Registration

Everyone wants to make a good first impression. The same is true for events: An event’s overall success hinges on creating a memorable experience—and it all starts with registration.  The registration and check-in process set the tone for the event, so it needs to run as seamlessly as possible, which means pre-planning and segmenting your […]

Creating a Sense of Place and Inclusion in a Post-COVID World

You put a lot of effort into organizing and subsequently staging your event and ensuring it’s a hit with all concerned. But are your participants really looking forward to attending, or does the very thought of it fill some of them with dread? Now, more than ever, it’s time to take a very good look at your […]

Boost Event Engagement through Gamification

Thinking outside the box and keeping your audience engaged are two critical keys to any successful event. Now that virtual and hybrid events have become the norm, organizers must work even harder to keep energy high and hold their attendees’ attention. Integrating games and competitions into events, also called “gamification,” is one of the hottest […]

Bring Attendees Together Under DFI (Demand for Impact)

Many events are focused on building a brand or delivering a corporate message. These types of events have specific goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) that can help organizers prove their effectiveness. However, if your objective is to use your event to create a movement, rather than just a moment, you need to shift your focus.  Impactful […]

The AV Producer is Key to Legendary Events

Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, virtual and hybrid events have obviously increased in popularity. To compensate for the lack of in-person connection, businesses and organizations have sought innovative ways to engage audiences while simultaneously meeting their event goals. To hold audiences’ attention during virtual and hybrid events, event managers have taken advantage of […]

Spice Up Your Tech-Driven Events

The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly impacted the event planning industry. However, it’s not the only challenge event planners face. While today’s events need to be safer and more versatile, organizers also have to work harder than ever to impress their attendees. While “traditional” events typically feature things like live music, buffets, and keynote speakers, these […]