Entries by Cris

Experiential Marketing To Liven Up Your Event

Today’s consumers are exposed to thousands of advertisements every day – and they’re getting burned out. The constant influx of marketing messages has led people to simply ignore the bulk of them. This makes it incredibly difficult for brands to get through the defenses consumers have built up and influence their buying decisions. Marketers and […]

The Event Manager’s Tech Guide to Organizing a Successful Hybrid Event

Most industries, truth be told, have been revolutionized by the changeover from analog to digital. Vinyl records gave way to CDs as just one part of a never-ending transition from old school to new. Yet, it’s taken some time for the event industry to go through its own revolution brought on, in part, by the […]

How to Successfully Handle Hunger at Your Event

It’s physiologically given that we need food to survive. Food primes our organic engines, and much like animals in the wild, if we don’t eat, we die. But how we differ from our animal counterparts is what we eat is more than a means to survival. Food also offers an emotional connection. You probably have […]

How To Nurture Relationships In a Virtual World

By now, doing things virtually has become a way of life. For event planners, this often means working with clients that you rarely or never see in person. While things are slowly starting to return to “normal,” many people are still working from home and attending events virtually. Living life behind the laptop is now […]

Make Your Hybrid Event More Accessible & Inclusive

Hybrid events became popular once Covid-19 entered our lives and, although restrictions are being lifted and in-person events are returning, this event format is expected to stick around. The adage “the more, the merrier” should come to mind when planning your hybrid event and direct you to create an inclusive event. You want everyone to have […]

Leveraging Competitor Relationships for Survivability

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were approximately 125,900 event planners in the United States in 2020. The event planning industry is expected to grow at around 18% over the next 10 years, a significantly higher rate than the overall average of 8%. While these numbers are promising for the industry, they also show […]

Unconventional & Landmark Event Venues in the U.S.

Have you ever received an invitation to an event and had a lukewarm reaction until… you saw that the event was being held in a fabulous locale? According to a study from the Journal of Convention & Event Tourism, you’re not alone. The study found that event attendees hold the venue (and local attractions) in higher regard […]

Why AI Is Increasingly Important for Event Planning and Management

As an event planner, you must be on the lookout for ways to improve the event experience and ensure that your attendees make the most of their interaction. In the modern era, this means that you need to embrace the concept of artificial intelligence (AI) and understand that there are many ways to use these […]